Join us for our Valentine’s Banquet at The Flanders Hotel in Ocean City ( 719 East 11th Street, Ocean City, NJ 08226)! This special event is open to everyone aged 16 and older. The cost is $45 per person. You can register and pay below or by designating your payment on an offering envelope and placing it in the offering box. For more information, please contact Mrs. Erickson.
Buffet Menu for the Banquet
Caesar's Salad (with Croutons), Seared Chicken Piccata, Strip Steak (Caramelized Onions, Mushrooms, Balsamic Demi), Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Penne Rosa, Fresh Rolls, Coffee, Tea, Iced Tea, Lemonade, and Chocolate Moose,
Caesar's Salad (with Croutons), Seared Chicken Piccata, Strip Steak (Caramelized Onions, Mushrooms, Balsamic Demi), Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Penne Rosa, Fresh Rolls, Coffee, Tea, Iced Tea, Lemonade, and Chocolate Moose,