Iron Sharpeneth Iron : Men's Ministry

We live in a day when men are abandoning the roles that God has given to them in His Word. Through the Men's Ministry at Jersey Shore, men are given many opportunities to strengthen those roles. During the year, we have men's retreats, men's breakfasts, and other activities that give the men of our church a chance to come together, make friendships, and be refreshed in the things of the Lord.
Daughters of the King : Ladies Ministry

Daughters of the King is the Ladies Ministry here at Jersey Shore. As with the men, the ladies in our church have many opportunities to fellowship, make friends and serve the Lord. Every month, they meet at a different ladies house for a time of devotion, food and fun. They also enjoy many trips, conferences and retreats during the year.
Adult Bible Classes

Our Adult Bible Classes meet at 9:45 on Sunday mornings for a time of fellowship with coffee and donuts, and Bible teaching. These classes are designed to meet the Spiritual needs of individuals, but also to connect you with other believers and help you establish friendships that will strengthen your faith. We now have four Adult Bible Classes for you to choose from:
The Adult Bible Classes all meet at 9:45 at the Wimberg Building (211 E Great Creek Rd, Galloway, NJ 08205), right around the corner from the church. Parents usually drop their children off at the church for Sunday School and then head over to the Wimberg building for their Bible class.