Wednesday Night Study Through the Gospel of Luke
01 - Introduction
02 - The Forerunners to the Forerunner
03 - The Announcement to Mary
04 - The Birth of John
05 - The Birth of Jesus
06 - The Presentation of Jesus
07 - The Childhood of Jesus
08 - The Ministry of John
09 - The Temptation of Christ
10 - The Synagogue at Nazareth
11 - Ministry in Galilee
12 - Ministry in Galilee Continued
13 - The Healing of a Leper and a Man Sick of the Palsy
14 - The Calling of Matthew
15 - Regarding the Sabbath
16 Choosing the Twelve
17 - The Sermon on the Plain
18 - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant
19 - Jesus Raises the Widow's Son and Answers John's Questions
22 - Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter
23 - The Transfiguration
24 - This Kind - Luke 9:37
25 - Luke 9:43 - 50 - Growth Points I
26 - Luke 9:51 - 62 - Growth Points II
27 - Luke 10:25 - 37 - The Good Samaritan
28 - Luke 10:38 - 42 - Mary and Martha
29 - Luke 11:1 - 13 - Lord Teach Us to Pray
30 - Luke 11:14 - 26 - Teaching on Devils
31 - Luke 11:27 - 54 - Woe Unto You Pharisees and Lawyers
32 - Luke 12:1 - 12 - Living for Christ in a Dark World
33 - Luke 12:13 - 34 - Principles on Stewardship
34 - Luke 12:35 - 59 - Remaining Faithful Into the Future
35 - Luke 13:1 - 17 - The Parable of the Fig Tree and Healing on the Sabbath
36 - Luke 13:18 - 35 - Is It Real?
37 - Luke 14:1 - 24 - Table Manners
38 - Luke 14:25 - 35 - Biblical Discipleship
39 - Luke 15 - The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
40 - Luke 16:1 - 18 - Parable of the Unjust Steward
41 - Luke 16:10 - 31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus
42 - Luke 17:1 - 19 - The Ten Lepers
43 - Luke 17:20 - 37 - The Coming Kingdom
44 - Luke 18
45 - Luke 19:1 - 10 - Zachaeus
46 - Luke 19:11 - 27 - Occupy 'Til I Come
47 - Luke 19:28 - 48 - The Triumphal Entry
48 - Luke 20:1 - 18 - The Parable of the Vineyard
49 - Luke 20:19 - 47 - Trying to Trap the Saviour
50 - Luke 21:1 - 24 - Final Teachings on Finances and Future Things
51 - Luke 22:1 - 30 - The Last Supper
52 - Luke 22: 31 - 38 - The Denial of Peter
53 - Luke 22:35 - 53 - The Garden of Gethsemane
54 - Luke 22:54 - 71 - The Council
55 - Luke 23:1 - 31 - Jesus Before Pilate
56 - Luke 23:32 - 56 - The Crucifixion
02 - The Forerunners to the Forerunner
03 - The Announcement to Mary
04 - The Birth of John
05 - The Birth of Jesus
06 - The Presentation of Jesus
07 - The Childhood of Jesus
08 - The Ministry of John
09 - The Temptation of Christ
10 - The Synagogue at Nazareth
11 - Ministry in Galilee
12 - Ministry in Galilee Continued
13 - The Healing of a Leper and a Man Sick of the Palsy
14 - The Calling of Matthew
15 - Regarding the Sabbath
16 Choosing the Twelve
17 - The Sermon on the Plain
18 - Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant
19 - Jesus Raises the Widow's Son and Answers John's Questions
22 - Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter
23 - The Transfiguration
24 - This Kind - Luke 9:37
25 - Luke 9:43 - 50 - Growth Points I
26 - Luke 9:51 - 62 - Growth Points II
27 - Luke 10:25 - 37 - The Good Samaritan
28 - Luke 10:38 - 42 - Mary and Martha
29 - Luke 11:1 - 13 - Lord Teach Us to Pray
30 - Luke 11:14 - 26 - Teaching on Devils
31 - Luke 11:27 - 54 - Woe Unto You Pharisees and Lawyers
32 - Luke 12:1 - 12 - Living for Christ in a Dark World
33 - Luke 12:13 - 34 - Principles on Stewardship
34 - Luke 12:35 - 59 - Remaining Faithful Into the Future
35 - Luke 13:1 - 17 - The Parable of the Fig Tree and Healing on the Sabbath
36 - Luke 13:18 - 35 - Is It Real?
37 - Luke 14:1 - 24 - Table Manners
38 - Luke 14:25 - 35 - Biblical Discipleship
39 - Luke 15 - The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
40 - Luke 16:1 - 18 - Parable of the Unjust Steward
41 - Luke 16:10 - 31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus
42 - Luke 17:1 - 19 - The Ten Lepers
43 - Luke 17:20 - 37 - The Coming Kingdom
44 - Luke 18
45 - Luke 19:1 - 10 - Zachaeus
46 - Luke 19:11 - 27 - Occupy 'Til I Come
47 - Luke 19:28 - 48 - The Triumphal Entry
48 - Luke 20:1 - 18 - The Parable of the Vineyard
49 - Luke 20:19 - 47 - Trying to Trap the Saviour
50 - Luke 21:1 - 24 - Final Teachings on Finances and Future Things
51 - Luke 22:1 - 30 - The Last Supper
52 - Luke 22: 31 - 38 - The Denial of Peter
53 - Luke 22:35 - 53 - The Garden of Gethsemane
54 - Luke 22:54 - 71 - The Council
55 - Luke 23:1 - 31 - Jesus Before Pilate
56 - Luke 23:32 - 56 - The Crucifixion